Tickets to Rio 2016 Paralympics go on sale to Brazil residents

Record total of 3.3 million tickets available; overseas fans will be able to buy from authorised vendors in their countries. 08 Sep 2015
Tickets prices for the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games have been announced and are available for sale beginning 7 September for Brazilians.

Tickets prices for the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games have been announced and are available for sale beginning 7 September for Brazilians.

ⒸRio 2016
By Rio 2016

“This is the best moment to acquire tickets to the Paralympic Games.”

With one year to go until the Opening Ceremony of the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games, tickets to the event have gone on sale to residents of Brazil. Overseas fans will be able to buy tickets from authorised ticket resellers (ATRs) in their countries, and Rio 2016 will publish the list of ATRs later in September.

A total of 3.3 million tickets are available – 500,000 more than the London 2012 Games – covering the 22 Paralympic sports and Opening and Closing Ceremonies. The cheapest ticket is BRL 10 (EUR 2.30) and the most expensive is BRL 1,200 (EUR 281) for the Opening Ceremony. Two million tickets are priced at BRL 30 (EUR 7) or less.

For Rio 2016 tickets prices, visit Rio 2016’s website (please note that ATRs may charge a booking fee).

Brazilian residents have until 30 September to request their tickets on the ticket portal. For events that have a greater number of requests than tickets, there will be a draw. The results of this first phase of sales will be announced in October. To enter in this phase, customers must be 18 years old or above, have a Brazilian Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas (CPF) number and fixed address in the country.

“This is the best moment to acquire tickets to the Paralympic Games,” said Rio 2016 ticketing director Donovan Ferreti. “We will make about 80 per cent of the total tickets available in this phase, and everyone will have an equal chance of getting tickets, no matter which order they arrive in.

“Those who do not make their application during this phase will only have another chance to buy tickets in December, when first-come-first-served online sales begin (for residents of Brazil) for the remaining tickets.”

There will be tickets to 315 sessions, with each person able to request tickets to a maximum of 20 sessions. The maximum number of tickets per session will be 12 for lower demand events and eight for the most in-demand events, such as the wheelchair basketball final and Opening and Closing Ceremonies.

As with Olympic ticket sales, Brazilian fans will be able to pay for Paralympic tickets in three instalments (with a Visa credit card) or five instalments (with a Visa credit card issued by Bradesco). Fans who do not have a Visa card can pay by the “virtual solution” method.

You can view and download the Rio 2016 Paralympic Ticketing Guide, which includes the competition schedule, from Rio 2016’s website.