Entries for 2014 powerlifting world champs open
Athletes can enter the competition to be held in Dubai from today (26 August) until 30 November, 2013. 27 Aug 2013The championships, which will be held at the Dubai Club for the Disabled, are expected to attract around 300 athletes from 50 countries.
Entries for the 2014 IPC Powerlifting World Championships to be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from 5-11 April, are now open.
The championships, which will be held at the Dubai Club for the Disabled, are expected to attract around 300 athletes from 50 countries.
The city of Dubai previously held the world championships in 1998 and is accustomed to hosting major sporting events, including the Fazaa International Powerlifting Championships and the 5th Fazaa International Athletics Competition, which are both held annually.
The 2014 world championships will be the latest stop for athletes on their road to Rio 2016.
Athletes are invited to register via the IPC’s online entry system (EBS), and the pre-competition timeline is as follows:
26 August 2013
Delivery of Invitation letter and general information.
26 August 2013
Opening of online entry (by number by event).
30 November 2013
Close of online entry (by number by event).
1 December 2013
Opening of online final entry (by name) and provisions of details per persons and photographs for accreditation .
22 February 2014
Close of online final entry (by name) and provisions of details per persons and photographs for accreditation. Deadline to pay in full all registration fees due.
The last IPC Powerlifting World Championships were held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2010 at the Stadium Titiwangsa. A total of 292 athletes from 49 countries competed ahead of the London 2012 Paralympic Games.
More information can be found at the IPC Powerlifting website.