Low-Cost Racing Wheelchair To Be Tested in Tunisia
Could this wheelchair be the future of Parlaympic Sport? 30 Mar 2012
Low-cost racing wheelchairs will be tested out for the first time at the 6th International Athletics Meeting of Tunis in March 2012
“We go some great interest and feedback in the end."
Motivation, an international development charity supporting people with mobility disabilities, has tested out a prototype for a new low-cost racing wheelchair at the 6th International Athletics Meeting in Tunisia from 23-27 March.
“We go some great interest and feedback in the end. We even had a girl from Gambia compete in a chair,” said Jason Williams from Motivation.
It is hoped that the wheelchairs, which will be much cheaper than many other racing chairs on the market, could lead to increased participation in Para-sport, especially amongst athletes and National Paralympic Committees with limited resources.