Independent Observer Report on Beijing Paralympic Games Now Published
Bonn, Germany - The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has now published the Independent Observer Report from the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games. Available on their website, the report is an extensive 16 pages that reflect the programmes observations on various systems and processes during the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games. 17 Nov 2008 By IPCThe report concluded that during the course of the Beijing Games, where 1155 tests were conducted, the IPC Doping Control Guide was followed accurately and faithfully. The Independent Observer Team (IO Team) did not witness a single situation in which any error would have been likely to be sufficient to cast real doubt on the integrity of the sample or the validity of the process. The IO Team also concluded that both the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and the Beijing Games Organizing Committee (BOCOG) had an approach that was comprehensive, open, and focused heavily on recognizing the needs of the athletes.
The IO Team was appointed by WADA and had a presence in Beijing for the period 2-18 September. The Team consisted of five members and conducted an “Audit” style mission which provided daily feedback to the IPC. The BOCOG Anti-Doping Division Chief also attended these meetings.
The approach of the Team was to monitor all aspects of the doping control programme to a sufficient level to be able to draw valid conclusions about the accuracy of the application to rules. The point of reference in this programme was the IPC Doping Control Guide which was the set of rules applying to the Beijing Games and previously assessed by WADA as compliant with the World Anti-Doping Code and relevant standards.
For more information about the results of the Independent Observer Report, please visit