Five facts about…..Italy’s Martina Caironi

Learn a little more about the Italian T42 athlete ahead of October’s IPC Athletics World Championships in Doha, Qatar. 17 Sep 2015
Martina Caironi, winces,

Martina Caironi

ⒸLuc Percival

The countdown to Doha continues today with Five Facts About… Italy’s Paralympic and world 100m T42 champion Martina Caironi.

1. Caironi has delivered world record performances no fewer than five times already this year –she has lowered her 200m T42 world record three times; taken 0.03 off her own 100m T42 world record; and equalled the long jump T42 world record of 4.60m.

2. The 26-year-old uses three alarm clocks in the morning with three different songs – starting slowly and ending with rock music!

3. If the Italian is feeling nervous she takes her bicycle and speeds down the street.

4. Caironi is multi-lingual – Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Mandarin are all part of her impressive repertoire.

5. Before a major competition Caironi relaxes by listening to reggae music.

The IPC Athletics World Championships will take place in Doha, Qatar, between 21-31 October., attracting 1,400 athletes from 100 countries.