Guidelines for Submission of Abstracts
Vista 2013 Skiing Equipment
Online submission
VISTA 2013 abstracts will only be accepted if submitted through the online abstract submission platform. After you have registered, you will be issued a password to access the platform.
All abstracts must be submitted in English as this is the IPC's official language. For authors whose first language is not English, the Scientific Committee recommends that assistance is sought from a person who is fluent in English for preparing the abstract. Prior to submission, please use the Spelling and Grammar Check that is available in most word processing programmes.
Word Limit
The abstract, excluding the title, authors’ names and affiliations, has a maximum limit of 2,750 characters (no spaces). Please use the Word Count available in most word processing programmes to check the number of words while preparing the abstract. Tables and figures can be included in the abstract but these will be included in the word count.
Type of Abstract
For the VISTA 2013 Conference, two types of abstracts will be accepted: Scientific Abstract and Professional Abstract. Examples of these two types of abstracts are provided in the Related Documents section on the left hand side. The structured format must be used when submitting abstracts. Please refer to the information provided in each sub-section for assistance in preparing this abstract. The Scientific Committee encourages coaches, athletes, trainers, representatives of National Paralympic Committees, etc. to submit abstracts pertaining to the list of conference topics. Examples of abstracts could be case studies, training techniques, personal experiences at IPC competitions, etc. Authors are required to follow the sample abstracts provided. All abstracts must adhere to the 1,800 characters limit.
Type of Presentation
Abstracts will be accepted as Oral or Poster presentations. The decision lies with the VISTA 2013 Sports Science Committee after review of the abstracts. Oral presentations will be restricted to 12 minutes of presentation time followed by 3 minutes of discussion. This time limit will be strictly adhered to during the Conference so that the sessions can start and end on time and the delegates can plan accordingly. Presenting authors must bring their oral presentations as PowerPoint slides stored electronically on a CD or Flash Memory disk. The room will be equipped with a PC projection system and laser pointer. Technical support will be available to transfer your presentation to the computer system in the room.
All presentations will be in English. Authors should decline from oral presentation if not comfortable in addressing an audience in the English language. Translation services will not be available.
Each abstract will be reviewed for its scientific merit and/or relevance to the Conference topics by members of the Scientific Committee and/or other experts selected by the Scientific Committee.
Abstracts that do not follow the structured format and/or are not submitted electronically will be automatically rejected.
Submission Deadline
Abstracts must be submitted to IPC through the electronic platform, as follows, no later than Friday 7 December 2012. All authors must submit the abstract electronically, accompanied by an Abstract Submission Form.
Receipt of Abstracts
All authors submitting abstracts will be notified electronically that it has been received by the Conference Organizers.
All authors will be notified about the acceptance or rejection of the abstract no later than Tuesday 15 January 2013