Danielle Saenz | My Word!!! | Samsung Paralympic Blogger | PyeongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games
Behind the scenes in the press box with attention to detail, speed, and agility.
About Danielle Saenz (USA, Samsung Paralympic Reporter):
Dr. Danielle Saenz is a physician in training in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation. She attended medical school in Washington state and she is completing her residency training in Chicago, IL. She has a passion for adaptive sports, which she has seen greatly improve the lives of her patients with spinal cord injuries and amputations. When Danielle is not at work in the hospital or working on her video projects, she can be found hiking or paddle boarding with her black Labrador retriever named Hero.
About the Samsung Paralympic Bloggers:
The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) is partnering with its Worldwide Paralympic Partner Samsung to provide 25 bloggers the chance to record exclusive behind-the-scenes video blogs during the PyeongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games. A total of 19 Paralympians, three team officials and three super-fans from Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Spain, South Korea and USA will take part.