APC Presidential elections set to take place in Lima
Colombian Julio Cesar Avila is sole candidate standing for election on 9 May 08 May 2018Colombian Paralympic Committee (CPC) President Julio Cesar Avila Sarria is the sole candidate standing for election as Americas Paralympic Committee (APC) President at the APC Extraordinary General Assembly set to take place in Lima, Peru, on 9 May.
Avila Sarria, who has served as CPC President since 2015, needs to get the majority of the votes – half of the votes plus one - in order to be elected APC President.
If he does not secure the majority of votes, the APC Executive Committee will select the new President from within the existing Executive Committee, who will serve in that role until the next APC General Assembly.
This would mean that a position as Member would open up on the APC Executive Committee. This Member would be appointed by the APC Executive Committee, subject to ratification by the next APC General Assembly.
Montenegro was appointed APC Interim President following the passing of APC President Jose Luis Campo on 16 October 2017.
Argentina´s Campo was elected APC founding President in 1997 and served two terms until 2005, when he was replaced by Brazil’s Andrew Parsons.
Colombia’s Octavio Londono was President from 2009-2013. Campo was elected again in 2013 and served as President until 2017, when he was re-elected for a fourth term.