German National Paralympic Committee Launches New Accessible Website

09 Mar 2012
screenshot of the website of NPC Germany

Screenshot of the website of NPC Germany

ⒸNPC Germany

To take a look at the new website of the DBS, visit

The National Paralympic Committee of Germany (DBS) recently launched its new accessible website at

The development of the site over the course of the last nine months has been done in co-operation with designer Tomas Caspers. The focus for the new website was put on the accessibility of the site and the compliance with all current accessibility guidelines. This includes the possibility to resize the font and to increase the contrast of the page.

Users of the website will be able to learn more about the work of the DBS, the German athletes, the sports and much more. A new section has been added to present the DBS Youths, the youth organization within the DBS.

Over the next months, additional functionality will be added to the website, such as photo galleries and video clips.

To take a look at the new website of the DBS, visit