Kate Caithness OBE re-elected World Curling Federation President
WCF Annual General Assembly approves key rule changes and elects new board 09 Sep 2014Athletes compete in the Sochi 2014 Paralympic Winter Games wheelchair curling competition.
“It has been a real honour to work and serve for the Federation. I work in a man’s world and you, our Member Associations, have put your trust in me to raise the profile of curling. For the next four years I promise to give you 100 per cent in my work to represent you and our great sport.”
Members of the World Curling Federation (WCF) elected a new board at the annual WCF General Assembly in Reno, USA, on Sunday (7 September) with Kate Caithness OBE re-elected as President.
During the General Assembly, members voted to introduce a number of new events and approve a raft of other key rule changes.
Delegates and representatives from the Federation’s Member Associations, key stakeholders and partners also gathered to discuss strategy and development for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter sport of curling.
In the WCF board elections, current President, Kate Caithness OBE, from Scotland, was the only candidate nominated for the next four year term as President and was elected by acclamation.
Upon her re-election Caithness said: “It has been a real honour to work and serve for the Federation. I work in a man’s world and you, our Member Associations, have put your trust in me to raise the profile of curling. For the next four years I promise to give you 100 per cent in my work to represent you and our great sport.”
In addition, a new Board structure takes effect as part of a new WCF constitution from this congress onwards. The new Board is comprised of eight Board Directors: a President, three Vice-Presidents each from the three zonal regions of the WCF and another four Board Directors.
• Graham Prouse (Canada) was elected Vice-President by acclamation for the Americas zone for a three year term.
• Hugh Millikan (Australia) was elected Vice-President by acclamation for the Pacific-Asia zone for a two year term.
• Bent Ramsfjell (Norway) was elected Vice-President by acclamation for the European Zone for a one year term.
Robert Susanj from Slovenia withdrew from the election for this position.
Elected to the four Board Director positions were:
• Albert ‘Andy’ Anderson (USA) (four year term of office)
• Hew Chalmers (Scotland) (three year term of office)
• Laura Lochanski (Canada) (two year term of office)
• Toyo Ogawa (Japan) (one year term of office)
President Caithness recognised the exceptional contribution made by departing board members Leif Öhman (Sweden) and Young C Kim (Korea).
Following the Assembly, the new board will meet and will consider the applications for conditional membership for the Hong Kong Curling Association and Qatar Curling Federation. Armenian National Curling Federation was excluded from membership during the Assembly.
WCF also revealed plans to Member Associations for a Portable Curling Facility. This new programme offered by the Federation is to help establish dedicated curling facilities in regions which have, up until now, found it difficult to garner the resources to build a permanent curling facility.
The 4th Annual World Curling Congress will take place at the Crowne Plaza, Belgrade, Serbia, from 2-5 September 2015. The 2015 WCF Annual General Assembly will be held on 5 September.