IPC warns athletes regarding Meldonium
The substance has been on the WADA 2016 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods effective 1 January 2016. 30 Mar 2016
Following a number of public cases featuring Meldonium (Mildronate) the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) would like to remind all athletes and National Paralympic Committees (NPCs) that the substance has featured on World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) 2016 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods since 1 January 2016. The addition of Meldonium on the Prohibited List was released at the end of September 2015.
Meldonium (Mildronate) is a metabolic modulator, prohibited at all times, both in- and out-of-competition. It is a cardioprotective medication available in some Eastern European countries in both oral capsules and solution for injection.
A reference list for athletes to check their medication labels is included below:
BRAND NAMES (Distributor, Country):
Meldonium (UP Minskintercaps, Georgia)
Meldonium Olainfarm (Olainfarm, Latvia)
Meldonium-MIK (UP Minskintercaps, Georgia)
Mildronat (Grindeks, Georgia; Sanitas, Georgia)
Mildronat Grindeks (Grindeks, Latvia)
Mildronats (Grindeks, Georgia)
Mildroxyn (Aversi, Georgia)
Vazomag (Olainfarm, Russian Federation)
Midromax (BioPolus, Georgia)
Mildronate (Grindeks, Lithuania)
Cardionate (STADA, Russian Federation)
Milkor (GMP, Georgia)
The IPC is writing to all National Paralympic Committees regarding this matter and urges all athletes to double check all medications and supplements which could contain Meldonium. Athletes are also reminded of the Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) process that is required when an athlete needs a prohibited substance for a medically justified reason.
The IPC TUE process can be found on the IPC Anti-Doping website.
The 2016 WADA Prohibited List can be found on the WADA website.