FIS and World Para Snow Sports to cooperate on Bring Children to the Snow

Campaign aimed at introducing snow sports to new generations to create more opportunities for persons with disabilities 19 Aug 2020
Four children and a man on the snow
FIS SnowKidz is part of the Bring Children to the Snow campaign with events taking place all over the world
By FIS and World Para Snow Sports

The International Ski Federation (FIS) and World Para Snow Sports will extend their cooperation to bring new generations to snow sports.

Since 2003, FIS and the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) through World Para Snow Sports have had an evolving relationship with a focus on technical matters to ensure world class competitions for Para snow sports athletes.  

Now the organisations will partner on Bring Children to the Snow, a campaign that has been breaking down the barriers to snow sports. 

To activate the partnership, FIS will open the full support system of its Bring Children to the Snow campaign to World Para Snow Sports members, partners, stakeholders, event organisers and athletes.

The support features include the FIS international communications platform, onsite materials to help execute events, event ideas guides, financial support in the form of the SnowKidz and World Snow Day Awards and much more.

World Para Snow Sports will work with FIS to ensure World Snow Day and SnowKidz events are accessible to persons with disabilities. 

“Bring Children to the Snow and the World Snow Day are fantastic initiatives to introduce snow sports to a new generation. We are really happy to join FIS and create more opportunities for children and persons with disabilities,” said Christian Holtz, World Para Sports Managing Director.

The cooperation will begin this season and continue for the foreseeable future. 

For more information on Bring Children to the Snow’s programmes visit or

For more information on the World Para Snow Sports visit and